June 20, 2003
Having stumbled across a number of beautiful landscapes done in what appeared to be an oil-photorealistic style,
I started browsing around, and after seeing reference to the "Giclees" method, looked into it.
I was extremely disappointed to discover that the "Giclées." method of painting ... isn't painting.
I don't dissaprove of the style, not in the least, but it seems to be misrepesented. It's not painting - it's
digital manipulation, followed by machine production. Brush-stroking some varnish or touch-ups on
after the machine is done is no more painting than the "daubings" done to Thomas Kinkaid's work.
It is, however, a great method for reproduction of original works, or the transference of good photographs
into a more ... artistic format, i.e., on canvas or watercolor paper. Which, fortunately, still seems
to be its primary purpose (although the marketing of these prints, starting with the use of a
near-meaningless word, seems to be generally misleading).
posted by kmmontandon
6:51 AM